Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

Insan yang Mana?!

kemilau hijau kristal diatas dahan
tidakkah mahal pemandangan ini....
binar-binar dalam mata terlihat saat memandang 
SADAR....... kalimat pertama yang ku ingat 
 sungguh sederhana
DIA.... karibmu, iya betul alam ini karib kita
kristal hijau di dahan itu...
saat melihatnya kau akan sadar
lembutnya kadang membuat mu tersengat 
dia terkadang dingin, terkadang panas
kau tersentuh dan kembali kekodratmu
INSAN TUHAN MU.............

what i want???

            i knew it was very hard like i wished one for super junior's members could be my boyfriend.
every one has ambition, desire and achievement , that i too. i was not a innocent girl like in past because in the past times  i just have a simple plan. in my dream, i want to be a good wife when my husband came from his office i just waiting him and prepared whatever his needed but now, i was a girl with one million ambitions and have big plan in my life.  i would go to where Habibi leave now to got too much medicine knowledge.
            one most important for my big dream is i could useful my self to many peoples because if i failure in 2 years i must came to backward village and do something in there. i will make every ones care with theirs self and i will teach why theirs life can be happy and be greatful life.
            now, i just prays to Allah to sometime i can useful my self to share what i knew all about medicine and pharmacy. i was trying to prepare my future. whatever that either for two of my dream can be realize and i hope my letters will came to Allah dan Allah would read it.

           we were pretty sure that you God, and i believed Allah helped us.