Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

love at the empty chair

ku terduduk diantara bangku kosong itu
dan kau datang mengisinya
sejenak, bunga-bunga itu bermekaran dihatiku 
tapi hanya sebentar kau terduduk disana
kemudian meninggalkan ku dalam bodoh
bagaimana ku bisa sebodoh ini
mempercayai perasaan ini begitu saja
tapi ku tetap berterima kasih
kau sudi berada disana meski hanya sejenak

Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

love, like or i'm stupid

i looked around and not found something....
like wisher  that i did to see u
i knew, these not only espresso which different with coffe latte but more than,...
And then what i shall do to get you,.
i just an ordinary person that different with u
         Sometime, you looked so far from me
         do you know? i did anything like stupid person's
         i did it every met someone who i like,... maybe like a joke
for you i just aint and unvalue, i always thought about it
maybe these is absurd and looked fools
what is i look like a pity???
but everyones say if go ahead with u want oneday u can get it.
i think it just scene at TV's drama... heh
        hopeless.... yaaa!!! i though to leave you on my life
        but i never hate u until the end.
        always support u while i knew u not need it
        it was love, like or i'm stupid,....