Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

love, like or i'm stupid

i looked around and not found something....
like wisher  that i did to see u
i knew, these not only espresso which different with coffe latte but more than,...
And then what i shall do to get you,.
i just an ordinary person that different with u
         Sometime, you looked so far from me
         do you know? i did anything like stupid person's
         i did it every met someone who i like,... maybe like a joke
for you i just aint and unvalue, i always thought about it
maybe these is absurd and looked fools
what is i look like a pity???
but everyones say if go ahead with u want oneday u can get it.
i think it just scene at TV's drama... heh
        hopeless.... yaaa!!! i though to leave you on my life
        but i never hate u until the end.
        always support u while i knew u not need it
        it was love, like or i'm stupid,....

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